Eco Tech AB

Visit:Skeppsbron 2, 211 20 MALMÖ, Sweden
Company number:556361-1838

Site facts

Address:Skeppsbron 2, 211 20 MALMÖ, Sweden
Site type:Main office
Employees:5 - 9

SNI industry codes

70220 - Business and other management consultancy activities
71124 - Engineering activities and related technical consultancy in energy, environment, plumbing, heat and air-conditioning
74900 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
85600 - Educational support activities

Organization facts

Legal name:Economic Technology International Eti AB
Work site name:Ecotech Malmö AB
Company number:556361-1838

Economy Key Figures2018-042017-042016-04
Turnover (SEK 000's):8,4114,9204,323
Revenue (SEK 000's):296-165448
Equity Ratio:41 %56 %81 %

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