DGE Mark och Miljö AB

Visit:Norra Långgatan 1, 392 32 KALMAR, Sweden
Company number:556664-9231

Site facts

Address:Box 258, 391 23 KALMAR, Sweden
Site type:Main office
Employees:10 - 19

SNI industry codes

74900 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.

Organization facts

Legal name:DGE Mark & Miljö AB
Work site name:DGE Mark och Miljö AB
Company number:556664-9231
Company group:Dge Holding A/S

Economy Key Figures2018-122017-122016-12
Turnover (SEK 000's):44,28942,21537,538
Revenue (SEK 000's):9051,636131
Equity Ratio:36 %30 %21 %

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