3M Svenska AB

Visit:Malmstensgatan 17-19, 331 41 VÄRNAMO, Sweden
Company number:556021-9684

Site facts

Address:Box 2341, 331 02 VÄRNAMO, Sweden
Site type:Branch
Employees:200 - 499

Scope for awarded certifications

ISO 14001:2015 - Development, manufacture and marketing of personal protective equipment.
ISO 9001:2015 - Development, manufacture and marketing of personal protective equipment.

SNI industry codes

22290 - Manufacture of other plastic products
26400 - Manufacture of consumer electronics
46761 - Wholesale of industry supplies

Organization facts

Legal name:3M Svenska AB
Company number:556021-9684
Company group:3M Comp


Other certified sites (3M Svenska AB)

3M Svenska AB
Tunavägen 281, 781 73 BORLÄNGE, Sweden
3M Svenska AB
Ernst Hedlunds väg 35, 785 21 GAGNEF, Sweden

Economy Key Figures2018-122017-122016-12
Turnover (SEK 000's):2,630,7352,488,1352,396,701
Revenue (SEK 000's):84,53178,70623,425
Equity Ratio:68 %85 %81 %

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Awarded certifications

  • ISO 14001:2015
    Registration date:13/10/2003
    Issuer:Qvalify AB
    Accreditation body:SWEDAC
  • ISO 9001:2015
    Registration date:08/09/1997
    Issuer:Qvalify AB
    Accreditation body:SWEDAC

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